
日本製鉄(株)【5401】の掲示板 2017/01/07〜2017/06/02

They have no leisure for the poor, it's better at least.. as a company can still live.
Maybe luck ran away after the fixed pice setting price of the stock market was set up to 10 times, then did proprietor's consciousness also fall to 1/10 conversely?
I would think the cause finally ,
They are not powerful and have unlucky strength with thinking for future and having no idea at all..?
Please be often lacking in how to take into consideration the way to read of world situation and visitor's needs and establish a questionnaire of a staff and a customer and a complaints box.
CEO needs always to make them watchful, doesn't he?

日本製鉄(株)【5401】 貧乏暇なしの会社、まだ生きていけるだけましですが・・ 株価の呼び設定価格を10倍にしてから、運が逃げたかも、経営者の意識も、逆に1/10に低下したからか?? ・・・結局”先を見通せる力”と”アイディア”の不足が原因か・・ 世界情勢の読み方、お客のニーズのくみ取り方が不足しがちで、社員や顧客のアンケートや、目安箱を設定して 経営者は常に目を配らせておくことが必要ですね、 They have no leisure for the poor, it's better at least.. as a company can still live. Maybe luck ran away after the fixed pice setting price of the stock market was set up to 10 times, then did proprietor's consciousness also fall to 1/10 conversely? I would think the cause finally , They are not powerful and have unlucky strength with  thinking for future and  having no idea at all..? Please be often lacking in how to take into consideration the way to read of world situation and visitor's needs and establish a questionnaire of a staff and a customer and a complaints box. CEO needs always to make them watchful, doesn't he?