
日本製鉄(株)【5401】の掲示板 2018/04/14〜2018/07/05


If I see the result of the world fighting power by this company and the group reinforcement, may a day rise again? Caution, That PER is low, problem.. Is too low ROE the cause for the cause?

日本製鉄(株)【5401】 ★世界戦力とグループ強化の成果が出れば、また日は上るかも?・・・PERが低いのも問題・・!! ・・原因はあまりにも低いROEが原因か?? If I see the result of the world fighting power by this company and the group reinforcement, may a day rise again?   Caution,  That PER is low, problem.. Is too low ROE the cause for the cause?