

Onset to diagnosis (PPmean
{32} ¼ 10.7 mon (95% CI ¼ 7.8 to 13.5); nPPmean
{19} ¼ 10.6 mon (95% CI ¼ 8.0 to 13.1)] and Diagnosis
to Baseline (PPmean {32} ¼ 10.9mon (95% CI ¼ 6.2 to
15.6); nPPmean {19} ¼ 10.9 mon (95% CI ¼ 7.1 to
14.5)) intervals are identical in both groups.
Examination of 32/51 PP EC OLE-WO subjects two
weeks subsequent to six months OLE treatment with
ibudilast indicated significant loss of manual muscle
testing strength in sentinel ALS muscles with no change
in ALSFRS-R or SVC in this period. Data lock and
statistical analysis are proceeding.